Sarah-Joy Zwarts


03.02 - 16.02
This kitchen is for dancing - pt. 2
In-situ studio and dialogue try-out
De Meldkamer Maastricht


wat er al is
Group exhibition
Projectspace Mariastraat Maastricht 

Group exhibition, various locations
Plateau van Margraten 

Echoes | Gestures | Threads - guest lecture Academy of Architecture Maastricht

Reversed archeology
Hoekpresentatie, Bureau Europa Maastricht


A missing kind of orange
In-situ group exhibition, Antwerp

Jardins coulés / Gestures #1 (draft)
Artist Books, De Meldkamer Maastricht 

Super books fair
Represented by The Artist and The Others, Haus der Kunst, München

Billboard project, CC De Kimpel and surroundings of Bilzen

Lines of flight vol.2
Artist’s group zine published by KIOSK, Ghent


Lines of flight vol.1
Artist’s group zine published by KIOSK, Ghent

Books by artists
Group presentation, De Meldkamer Maastricht

Super books fair
Represented by The Artist and The Others, Haus der Kunst, München


Chasing flowers
Group exhibition, Coup de Ville St. Niklaas


Embracing exchange
Group exhibition, St. Andrieskapel Maastricht

Come closer
Group exhibition by Forum Triangulare, Kasteel d’Aspremont-Lynden Oud-Rekem


The secret life of materials
Group exhibition, Make Eindhoven x Warp Art x Pennings Foundation, Eindhoven

Vitrine jeune artiste
Solo presentation, Les Brasseurs, Luik

Anonyme Zeichner
Group exhibition, Gallery Körnerpark, Berlijn


Perhaps maybe in spring
Solo presentation, SEAS CC Scharpoord, Knokke-Heist

The autonomous life of things #1
Group exhibition, Beeldenstorm/Daglight, Eindhoven

Birds of passage
Solo presentation, WARP Art, St. Niklaas

Embracing exchange
Group exhibition, Sphinx, Maastricht

Jardins coulés
Solo presentation, Greylight projects, Hoensbroek

Individuele ontwikkelingsbeurs, Vlaamse overheid


Open studio’s
Individual presentation, FLACC, Genk

Artist in residence

Drawing front
Group exhibition, Drawing Centre, Diepenheim

Stroom Projectbeurs, Provincie Limburg (BE)


Preludium V
Group exhibition, Drawing Centre, Diepenheim


Group exhibition, KASK, Gent

Black room, blank wall
Group exhibition, Bijloke, Gent

Masterclass Arno Kramer
Drawing Centre, Diepenheim


Group exhibition, Technicum, Gent

In-situ project tekenkunst
Group exhibition, Voorkamer, Lier

I could have lived here
Group exhibition, M-Museum, Leuven


Prijs Tekenkunst
Group exhibition, CC Zwaneberg, Heist-op-den-berg

Masterclass botanisch tekenen
Teylers Museum, Haarlem

Sarah-Joy Zwarts

Previous work

Fragments and installation views (2017-2021)

Various drawings and commissions (selection, 2017-2018)

Watercolor and pencil on paper, each approx. 30x40 cm

Jardins coulés (2016-2017)

[Text from FLACC Genk]

In het project Jardins coulés spitst Sarah-Joy Zwarts zich toe op de herinnering aan haar grootvader, die naar Hoensbroek verhuisde om te werken voor Staatsmijn Emma. Als jonge man raakte haar grootvader gefascineerd door tropische flora en fauna, mede gevoed door zijn dienstplicht in Indonesië. Aanvankelijk wilde hij zelfs tropisch botanist worden, maar toen dit niet lukte, nam hij een baan bij de mijnen aan.      

Tijdens zijn verdere leven bleef hij zijn interesse voor exotische planten en dieren koesteren.

De link die gelegd kan worden tussen steenkool en tropische planten, vormde voor Sarah het startpunt van haar project. Ondanks het feit dat haar grootvader geen vorming als botanist kreeg, was hij uiteindelijk wel indirect werkzaam tussen de tropische plantenresten: steenkool wordt immers gevormd door het residue van planten uit het Carboon. Sarah verweefde dit gegeven met persoonlijke herinneringen aan haar grootvader tot een nieuwe reeks werken op papier.

[Publication NL / EN available - text by Stef Van Bellingen (contact Sarah for more info)]

Jardins coulés (selection, 2016-2017)
Watercolor on paper, sizes varying from 30x20 to 245x152 cm

Perhaps maybe in spring (2015)

[Text by Arno Kramer]

The working method of Sarah-Joy Zwarts is open and often in search. In which direction the work tends to go depends, among other things, on whether it shows a visual reflection of something specific, for example a chandelier.

At the same time, the drawing lets the viewer wander into poetic nebulae - with pleasure for that matter. Sometimes however a form grows intuitively and resembles a shape, a light source or perhaps a planet? The use of color in her drawings strongly determines the atmosphere they express.

They can be mysterious, but also clear, but overall strictly personal in their development.

Perhaps maybe in spring (selection, 2015)
Watercolor on paper, each 30x20 cm

Green river, shallow water (2014)

[From the catalogue of Graduation, KASK Ghent:]

With the aid of historical anecdotes and objets trouvés, Sarah-Joy Zwarts explores her homeland. She is mainly fascinated by the atmosphere in the region as it appears filtered through her own perception. 

Her research and discoveries are reflected in sets of personal drawings, which, in all their diversity, somehow represent the fragmentation of human memory.

The series Green river (shallow water) continues this  exploration and approaches a specific part of the Meuse Valley hinterland.

Green river, shallow water (selection 2014)
Pencil and watercolor on paper, each ca. 30x40 cm